Course curriculum

    1. Pre-Course Assessment

    2. 1. How to Use this Learning Platform

    3. 2. Let's Get Started!

    4. 3. Meet The Open Door Veterinary Collective

    5. 4. Help Us Get to Know You

    6. 5. Facts About Access to Veterinary Care

    7. 6. Access to Veterinary Care is a One Health Issue

    8. 7. Identify One Health Barriers

    9. 8. How to Increase Access to Veterinary Care

    1. 1. Meet Your Instructors for Chapter 2

    2. 2. Learning Objectives for Chapter 2

    3. 3. Introduction to Using the SoC Approach to Practice

    4. 4. Bonded Families and Relationship-Centered Care

    5. 5. Let's Define Success with Spectrum of Care

    6. 6. Got Any Fears About Spectrum of Care?

    7. 7. Now You Try!

    8. 8. Let's Put This to Work

    9. 9. End of Chapter Quiz (Take this quiz as many times as needed to pass with a score of at least 4/5. When you pass, a CONTINUE button will appear at the TOP of the page.)

    1. 1. Meet Your Instructors for Chapter 3

    2. 2. Learning Objectives for Chapter 3

    3. 3. Patient-Specific Care is Good Medicine Checklist

    4. 4. Prior to Entering the Exam Room (Step 1)

    5. 5. Initial Client Consultation (Step 2)

    6. 6. Perform a Talking Physical Exam (Step 3)

    7. 7. Create Diagnostic and Treatment Plans (Step 4)

    8. 8. Communicate and Share Decision-Making with Clients (Step 5)

    9. 9. Documentation (Step 6)

    10. 10. Let's Put This to Work

    11. 11. End of Chapter 3 Quiz (You must earn an 80% or higher score to pass)

    1. 1. Meet Your Instructors for Chapter 4

    2. 2. Learning Objectives for Chapter 4

    3. 3. Rocky: Evidence-Based Spectrum of Care in Action

    4. 4. Molly: Evidence-Based Spectrum of Care in Action

    5. 5. Rosie: Evidence-Based Spectrum of Care in Action

    6. 6. Decision Tree for an Incremental Care/Case Management Approach

    7. 7. Thumper: Incremental Care/Case Management in Action

    8. 8. Manage Chronic Disease with SoC

    9. 9. Let's Put This to Work

    10. Post-Course Assessment

    11. 10. You Did It (Almost)!

    12. 11. End of Chapter 4 Quiz (You must answer 4/5 questions correctly to pass.)

About this course

  • $135.00
  • 41 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

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