Course curriculum

    1. 1. How to Use this Learning Platform

    2. 2. Let's Get Started!

    3. 3. Meet The Open Door Veterinary Collective

    4. 4. Help Us Get to Know You

    1. 1. Meet Your Instructor

    2. 2. Learning Objectives and Citations

    3. 3. How We Interact With Families

    4. 4. Check Your Assumptions

    5. 5. Reflective (Active) Listening

    6. 6. Check In

    7. 7. Show Unconditional Positive Regard (Respect)

    8. 8. Elicit Perspective

    9. 9. Listen for Financial/Contextual Cues

    10. 10. Let's Put This to Work

    11. 11. You Did It (Almost)!

    12. 12. End of Course Quiz (You must score 4/5 questions correctly to pass and receive your certificate of completion. You can take the quiz multiple times, however. Once you pass, a CONTINUE button will appear at the top of the page so you can move on.)

About this course

  • $45.00
  • 16 lessons

Discover your potential, starting today